This programme is suitable for all students who think they may (one day) want to be. Entrepreneurship - Masteraposs degree programmes - Welcome to the joint VU and UvA MSc in Entrepreneurship. During this exciting Masters programme you learn how to be more entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurship - VU All students from other academic bachelor programmes who are interested in entrepreneurship and who consider founding or working at a small business (e.g.
Business Administration: Digital Business and Abdessamad Fathi Graduate The Masteraposs of Digital business and Innovation has been very rewarding to follow. Center for Entrepreneurship - Vrije Universiteit The helpdesk of the Center for Entrepreneurship (CfEVU) offers completely free assistance and supports students with an interest in entrepreneurship. Cases from Amsterdam To bring entrepreneurship education in Amsterdam to a higher level, ten entrepreneurship teaching cases are developed for the collaborative valorization program IXAnext Talent for innovation.
Management, Policy Analysis and The Master Management Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in the Health and Life Sciences (MPA) centers around a wide range of disciplines.
Entrepreneurship - Amsterdam Business School - Our alumni have started careers either as entrepreneur, or as employee at a start-up, scale-up, or existing (large) organisation, and in a diversity of industries. Whether you are looking for practical support, a broader network, grants, tax related information or a brainstorm session on writing business plans - we are here to help you. Entrepreneurship (joint degree) Study Guide The Master Entrepreneurship provides you with cutting-edge knowledge on entrepreneurship, relevant skills, and an entrepreneurial attitude. Center for Entrepreneurship Vrije Universiteit The Center for Entrepreneurship VU has been involved in the creation of multiple cases, a few are illustrated here. In addition, the you are able to bridge theory and practice by applying and creating relevant academic knowledge on entrepreneurship in real life settings to solve challenging problems.
Thinking and feeling like an entrepreneur benefits your career as employee or business owner.
Center for Entrepreneurship Vrije Universiteit
Health science, communication science, psychology, natural sciences). VU student: you can register for the courses of the minor via VUnet from July. The joint degree Master of Science in Entrepreneurship is recognised internationally. The topics discussed in class are future-oriented and ample opportunity is given to go out into the field and work with companies on projects, resulting in classes that are both engaging and refreshing. This is an ideal opportunity for you to acquire relevant knowledge and to develop skills to address these questions, while specializing in this fascinating area of research.
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