donderdag 28 december 2017

Mba rotterdam

For the latest updated information, please visit the school or program site directly. We all speak the language, so lets talk business. The 24-month part-time Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA in cooperation with the University of Cologne is the best fit for you.

Located in the heart of Europe, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) offers an exceptional combination of top-rated international faculty, leading research and a genuine connection with global business. The information on this page has been provided to us, by the university, school, or program. The programme is based on the top-ranked Executive MBA at RSM.

The Cologne-Rotterdam Executive MBA is designed for managers. IGC offers full-time MBA and Master s programs in Germany.

Mba rotterdam

At RSM, we work tirelessly to help each student succeed after graduation. Transform your career with the RSM MBA. As a student, the time and resources you invest in your full-time Rotterdam MBA will generate returns throughout your career. Offers MBA programs in English in Barcelona and Madrid.

This 24-month part-time Executive MBA is a double degree programme offered by the University of Cologne and Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and is designed for executives who want the convenience of a world class MBA in Germany. A broad general management knowledge base gives you the flexibility to move into a wide range of business or management roles, while a focus on leadership development gives you the interpersonal skills needed to get there. RSM s International Full-time MBA will empower you to achieve almost any career ambition. You are a professional with minimum years of postgraduate work experience and first experience in managing people or projects and you want to boost your career without interrupting it? (2) De universitaire campus te Kortrijk is gesloten.

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Academische kalender

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