vrijdag 24 december 2021

Zorgverzekeringskantoor bonaire

If you have any questions, contact the Health Insurance Office on Bonaire, Sint Eustatius or Saba. Health Insurance Office working on improvements of services The Health Insurance Office is aware that the implementation of the healthcare legislation is still not optimal. Information brochure healthcare insurance for the insured of the Healthcare insurance Bonaire, Saba and St. for Facebook today to discover local businesses near you.

U kunt het Zorgverzekeringskantoor bereiken onder nummer 71588(Bonaire) 41639(Saba) en 31833(St. This public health insurance system is established by the Besluit Zorgverzekering BES, and includes both medical care (cure) and long-term care (care, previously known as AVBZ ).

Zorgverzekeringskantoor bonaire

Find out how much you can save today. Bonaire is a Public Authority and belongs, under constitutional law, to the Netherlands, which means that the government and the Upper and Lower House also govern Bonaire. As per January 20In this brochure you will nd comprehensive information about the healthcare insurance coverage rights the insured on.

The Health Care Insurance office on Bonaire, commonly known as ZVK, executes the management of Bonaires health care on behalf of the Minister of Health, Welfare, and Sport. Deze uniforme verzekering brengt meer rechtsgelijkheid en voorkomt dat mensen onverzekerd blijven.

Information brochure healthcare insurance

Zorgverzekeringskantoor BES Voor alle inwoners van de eilanden Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba (Caribisch Nederland) geldt sinds een verplichte ziektekostenverzekering. Digicel offers the Highest Quality Mobile Service, Cell s and both Postpaid and prepaid Cell plans. Bonaire has two government authorities, which are both represented on the island. Digicel Bonaire Mobile Service, Cell s and Plans. Bij vragen kunt u contact opnemen met het Zorgverzekeringskantoor op Bonaire, Sint Eustatius of Saba.

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